South Australia

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2 Jul

Fatigue Management & OHS performance in the workplace

Monday 2 July 2012
Seminar / Conference

Presented by Professor Drew Dawson, Inaugural Engaged Research Chair, CQU. Presentation content:

  • Learn how to 'fatigue-proof' your organisation without changing the roster.
  • Build the skills required to undertake a comprehensive fatigue risk assessment of your staff.
  • Learn more about the latest in sleep research, and how sleep deprivation, fatigue, workload and shiftwork all impact on OHS performance in the workplace.
  • Human factors issues associated with fatigue management, error management, catastrophe avoidance.
  • Preview how new technologies (e.g. SmartPhone) are automating fatigue risk management.
  • Implications of Shiftwork on OHS performance in the workplace.
  • Various occupations – nursing, security officers, FIFO mining & construction – how much sleep do we need, sleep and weight gain/diet/obesity.
  • Implication of Health & Wellness on OHS performance in the workplace.
  • How to create a healthy workplace.

Prof Drew Dawson is nationally and internationally recognised for his contributions to the scientific community and to industry in the areas of sleep research, organisational psychology and human factors, industrial relations negotiations and the human implications of hours of work.

Bookings can be made by contacting HFESA, (02) 9680 9027

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