Sunday 7 August 2016
to Tuesday 9 August 2016
Seminar / Conference
“Health Benefits of Good Work – Your Best Investment” is the theme of our 2016 Biennial Conference and attendees will take away a compelling argument as to why this is so.
Inspiring Business – Competitive Advantage
Workplaces that focus on stay at work programs, promote goodwill and enable supervisors to positively interact with their employees will be rewarded with a commitment not seen in lesser organisations. The Health Benefits of Good Work is no longer a nice extra but a strategic imperative. Providers, Employers, Injury Management Professionals, Claims Agents, Staff and Authorities will develop knowledge and skills as true ambassadors of this initiative.
What’s Possible – The Return on Investment
A workplace that embraces the Health Benefits of Good Work designed to support employees stay at work, return quicker after injury; improve their quality of life; and enhance their personal effectiveness, will have proven benefits to the organisation’s bottom line. Importantly Employees are more satisfied, less likely to leave and/or to get sick or be at risk of injury.
Enabling Results – Empowering Individuals to Take Action and Responsibility
Health Benefits of Good Work encompassing work practices, workplace culture, self-management skills and resources, work-life balance, injury management programs and relationships within workplaces are key determinates, not only of whether people feel valued, supported and in control in their work roles, but also of individual health, wellbeing and productivity.
Click here for further information, program and registration details.